義雲高(第三世多杰羌佛)水墨畫天價成交 「大力王尊者」以台幣7200萬元成交 締造在世畫家最高成交紀錄(相關新聞彙整)
◆[台灣時報]義雲高水墨畫天價成交 「大力王尊者」以台幣7200萬元成交 締造在世畫家最高成交紀錄
◆[金門晚報]大師畫作創下新台幣七千二百萬元天價 「大力王尊者」-乃曠世經典
◆[TRIBUNE U.S.A.]Da Li Won Again Creates Sky-High Selling Price
[台灣時報]義雲高水墨畫天價成交 「大力王尊者」以台幣7200萬元成交 締造在世畫家最高成交紀錄
大力王尊者威力無窮 拍賣價又震驚世界藝壇
大力王尊者威力無窮 拍賣價又震驚世界藝壇
此外,拍賣會場上另一焦點則是藏密最高女法王阿王諾布帕母的黃金版著作「子必依論」,也以新台幣一千五百五十六萬元成交。(康俐雯/報導) (大成影劇報 2000/11/26 21:14)
Da Li Won Again Creates Sky-High Selling Price
Tribune U.S.A. VOL.III No.49 Dec1-7, 2000
It has been noted by people that Master Wan Ko Yee, the world famous master of Buddhism and art, set the world record in Chinese art history of the highest selling price of paintings by a painter who is still alive. His painting, "Venerable Da Li Won", again broke his own world record when it was sold at NT$72,000,000.00 (US$2,207,912.00) by Mr. Naylor, an art collector and art merchant from England. Once the selling price was confirmed at the auction, people on the spot clapped their hands continuously for quite a white.
The year of 2000, the beginning of a new country, people were more impressed by the special honors which Master Wan Ko Yee received. On March 8th this year both government of State of California and government of City of San Francisco separately proclaimed March 8th, 2000 as Master Wan Ko Yee Day based on his amazing achievements in various fields.
In addition, he received honoray doctorate degree and professorship from ninety-two universities in the United States and other countries all over the world. It was the first and highest honor in history among Chinese worldwide.
On May 12th the same year in Taipei, at the meeting organized by United International World Buddhism Association Headquarters, 2137 eminent monks and nuns and the great virtuous ones from 416 Buddhist organizations, associations, and temples worldwide unanimously conferred Master Wan Kao Yee as the true Buddhist Master with perfect mastery in both Esoteric and Exoteric Buddhism.
Talking about art, it is just a small drop of water in the boundless ocean of Buddha Dharma of Master Yee. Since he is a great Dharma King Master with perfect mastery in Esoteric and Exoteric Buddhism and Five Brightness, the Art which is one of the Five Brightness, has made Master Wan Ko Yee reach the unprecedented height in arts including paintings and calligraphy.
On May 28th this year Unique Art Collections International Co., Ltd. auctioned one of Master Yee's paintings, "Majesty", at an unprecedented sky-high price of US$455.00 per square inch. It shocked the art circles worldwide.
On November 26th Unique Art Collections International Co., Ltd. again shocked the world by auctioning the painting, "Venerable Da Li Won", at US$467.00 per square inch. In proved that the skills, styles, and varieties of Master Yee were comprehensive and lofty. Master Yee can use dozens of different skills in painting scenery, figures, animals, flowers, birds, fish, insects, and etc.
Master Yee is an expert in all styles no matter it is detailed brushwork style, freehand brushwork style, or splashing ink style. All of these new styles were created out of his genuine efforts in traditional fields. Master Yee is the most famous scholar in modern history with his abundant knowledge, distinguished achievement, and many publications. Although his reputation has already spread all over the world, it is hard to find someone like him with such humbleness, sincerity and noble virtue. It has won the recognition of experts in academic organizations worldwide.
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2019年05月02日 星期四